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Friday, December 6, 2013

Yet another Black Friday result – people are buying silver and gold with bitcoins

Bitcoin, bitcoinsAfter this year's Black Friday, Business Insider came with an article about the rather interesting preference of some customers. It happened that a lot of people used the so popular lately electronic money currency – Bitcoin – to actually buy silver and gold bars and coins!

This specific buy is reasonable in terms of the relative stability that the gold and silver has to offer. It also supports the trend revealed by Coindesk that Bitcoin actually is getting more and more popular with more than 1000 businesses worldwide accepting this payment method. The current mid-market rate for 5th of December 2013 for 1,00 Bitcoin is 1,011.40 USD.

Bitcoin, bitcoins, Dendax.com

According to the Canada Revenue Agency, bitcoins aren't actually money, as they should be treated like a non-legal currency. That is why any transaction with them is regarded as a barter. In the other end of the world, China banned their banks from any Bitcoin transactions.

The former U.S. congressman Ron Paul said that “There will be alternatives to the dollar, and this might be one of them." When asked to continue: If people start using bitcoins en masse, Paul added “it'll go down in history as the destroyer of the dollar”.

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